Governor Inslee signed a bill that provides protection for farmers and farmworkers against three years retroactive pay and the class action lawsuits that were making these unfair demands. The nearly 40 lawsuits against farmers stemmed from a Supreme Court decision that said dairy farmworkers need to be paid overtime. When Senator King proposed Senate Bill 5172 it was to protect farmers against these lawsuits and their demands. Hundreds of farmworkers spoke up explaining how these demands would destroy their jobs. Labor activists fought against this and through their mouthpiece, Senator Saldana, they amended the bill to demand three years back pay for overtime for all farmworkers, plus 12% interest. If that had passed it would have destroyed most farms in the state and with that most of the 100,000 plus farmworker jobs. Farmworkers and farmers spoke out against it, and the Senate and then House overwhelmingly rejected the effort by labor leaders to destroy farms and jobs. How do they call this a success? Because the bill included the provision to require overtime for all farmworkers phased in over several years. In the fight to force farmers to pay backpay for overtime, the labor activists and their legislative allies demonstrated they have no interest in what farmworkers want or what is in their best interests. If you care, watch the videos and see them speak for themselves. Now, the question will be whether our lawmakers will listen to labor leaders who show no regard for the best interests of workers, or the workers themselves. Workers have repeatedly explained how requiring overtime will cause them to lose pay, will make their lives more difficult and complicated, and force them to find second jobs. THEY DON'T WANT IT. If you question that, we encourage you to talk to them. Labor activists are fighting for political agendas harmful to farms and workers. Lawmakers in this bill showed when pressed they will ignore the demands of labor leaders when it harms those they say they are trying to help. We fully expect on the issue of overtime, they will do the same. Comments are closed.